Unpublished book 'Northern Fortresses'

Unpublished book 'Northern Fortresses'

Unpublished book

A long time ago, I wrote it, yes. And I took beautiful pictures on a Nikon film camera, and scanned them, and did color correction for them. I also wrote texts, drew maps, and checked some links.

Then good people were found, they gave money for this project, the Moby Dick printing house did the layout and preparatory work. Everything was fine, but... Problems with paper, sales network, etc. etc... In general, the matter has come to a standstill. I tried to return the money to good people, but they said, 'forget it!' And I forgot.

That is, I completely forgot about it, fortunately other things caught up... And just now I was about to throw out a package of old disks, but see it says “Book” on one of them. Oh you, I think...

So if anyone is interested, download it. All this, of course, is extremely outdated, I don’t know if it’s of any interest, but it is what it is.

On the other hand, look at this site, why it is not a book? Even better, I suppose... You can edit the text, post new pictures, throw out unnecessary things. And for the money it seems to be much cheaper...

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Land forts and fortress:
Bip Castle Gatchina Ivangorod Izborsk Kexholm Kirillov Monastery Koporye Novgorod Pechorskiy Monastery Peter&Paul Fortress Porkhov Pskov Schlisselburg Staraya Ladoga Tikhvin Vyborg Hameenlinna Hamina Kastelholm Kymenlinna Lappaenranta Raseborg Castle Savonlinna Tavetti Turku Visby Fredrikstadt Fredriksten Hegra Fort Hoytorp Fort Arensburg Narva Tallinn Antipatris Caesarea Jerusalem Latrun Fort Masada
Sea forts and fortresses:
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Coastal Artillery Hemso Fort
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