Северные крепости: Index - Fortress Hegra

Photo - Index

#1 - Way to the Hegra fortress
#2 - Main entrance to Hegra fortress
#3 - Ruins
#4 - Bomb
#5 - Strong point
#6 - Inside of fortress
#7 - Rifle wall
#8 - Sight from the fortress to the west
#9 - Guns of Hegra fortress
#10 - Firepost
#11 - Gun emplacement
#12 - Trenches
#13 - Svartassen battery
#14 - Traverses on the auxiliary battery
#15 - Road to the main fort
#16 - The descent into the depth of the fortress
#17 - Firepost
#18 - Communication trench
#19 - Potern
#20 - Firepost
#21 - Underground fortress
#22 - Vaults of Hegra
#23 - Entrance to the tunnel
#24 - The main tunnel
#25 - Heating
#26 - Brick walls
#27 - Old-fashioned fireplace
#28 - Stair to the top
#29 - Cave
#30 - Interiors of observation post
#31 - Arc of fire
#32 - Hutch
#33 - Aeration
#34 - Communication tonnel
#35 - Stairs to the central firepost
#36 - Central firepost
#37 - Electrics
#38 - Quarters
#39 - The main hall
#40 - Gun tunnel
#41 - Exiting the tunnel gun
#42 - Steep descent down
#43 - Interiors of the caponier
#44 - Rifle trench
#45 - Shelter
#46 - Breastwork
#47 - MG firepost
#48 - Trench
#49 - Barbed wire
#50 - Emplacement of 75 mm gun
#51 - Kings  signatures
#52 - Entrances to the gun's tunnel
#53 - Hans Holtermann
#54 - Commandant of the fortress
#55 - Stjordal valley
#56 - Kleivplassen battery
#57 - Emplacement for field gun
#58 - Powder magazines of Kleivplassen battery
#59 - Soldiers signatures
#60 - Potern
#61 - Personnel shelter
#62 - Ditch
#63 - Norwegian landscape
Fortress Hegra: Main Фото Location Lay-out Links
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