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Western Wall - Ha Kotel Ha Maaravi

Western Wall - Ha Kotel Ha Maaravi - Jerusalem next photo - 133 kb

The greatest shrine of Judaism, apart from the Temple Mount itself, is on the photo. It is part of the retaining wall of the Temple Mount 57 meters long. Ancient texts tells the 'western wall of the Temple' being destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. Whether this is the same wall or not, it is believed that this is the only fragment that has survived from the 2nd Temple complex. The entire retaining wall is 448 meters long, but almost its entire length is hidden behind later extensions.
The picture shows the Western Wall area. The ramp leads to the Mughrabi Gate, the only gate through which non-Muslims can enter the Temple Mount. They are usually open Sunday-Thursday 7.30-10.00 and 12.30-13.30. On Fridays, Saturdays and Muslim holidays, non-Muslims are not allowed. During the fasting days of Ramadan, entry is only in the morning. You must come with a passport and preferably in advance, because there are usually queues there, like there were at the Lenin's Mausoleum in Moscow under Soviet rule.

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