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Southwest corner of the Temple Mount at sunset

Southwest corner of the Temple Mount at sunset - Jerusalem next photo - 84 kb

Temple Mount, also known as Har a-Bayt or Har a-Moriya in Hebrew, or al-Haram al-Quds al-Sharif in Arabic. It has absolute height 774 m above sea level. It acquired its current appearance under Herod the Great, who surrounded its perimeter with retaining walls and filled the entire interior space with soil. The height of the walls at the highest point is 45 meters. The total volume of masonry retaining walls is comparable to the volume of the great pyramids of the Giza plateau.
Al-Aqsa dome is visible on the photo on the right, on the left - a ramp to the Maghrib Gate and the Western Wall. In the center al-Gawanima minaret built under the Mamluk sultan Husam ed-Dinom Matshuneh in 1297 is visible.

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