Северные крепости: Index - Mannerheim Line

Museum - Index

#1 - Museum of the Winter War 'On the Kexholm direction'
#2 - Exposition
#3 - Finnish soldier
#4 - Showcase with actual news
#5 - Seura Magazine
#6 - Commemorative plaque
#7 - 6 inch projectile
#8 - Lahti-Saloranta M/26
#9 - Taipale - bloody river
#10 - Line of defense
#11 - Dugout
#12 - Dugout interiors
#13 - In the Finnish dugout...
#14 - Tommy-gunner
#15 - On the Soviet side...
#16 - Trenches
#17 - Артиллерия
Mannerheim Line: Main Museum Summajarvi Summakylä Leipäsuo Suurniemi Salmenkaita Vaults Patoniemi Inkilä Muola Enkel line Taipale Where is it Plan Links
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