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Lading - Nevskij Bridge-head next photo - 62 kb

Within few minutes the tank will be laded to the truck and will sent to tank plant in Strelna for restoration works. After that it will be set up in the Nevskij Bridge-head diorama-museum (near to the Murmansk high-way bridge across Neva river).

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Nevskij Bridge-head: Main Bridge-head Tank KV-1 Tank T-38 Tank BT-5 Where is it Plan Links
manufactured by Goss.Ru

Alex Goss Photography - Ôîòîãðàôèè ãîðîäîâ è ñòðàí, áèòâ è ñðàæåíèé, ðàçíîãî è ïðî÷åãî...