Северные крепости: Index - Southern Forts

Fort Miljutin - Index

#1 - South Fort #3 (Fort Miljutin)
#2 - Fort 'Miljutin'
#3 - View of the fort 'Milutin' from the front side
#4 - Range-finder's pavilion
#5 - Inner yard of the fort
#6 - Roof of the Miljutin fort
#7 - Gun's emplacement
#8 - Breastwork
#9 - Berth
#10 - Small artillery emplacements of anti-landing battery
#11 - Search-light  shaft
#12 - Cover of the shaft
#13 - Interiors of the search-light shaft
#14 - Main entrance to the fort
#15 - Vaults
#16 - Heating on the fort
#17 - Powder magazine
#18 - To ammunition elevator
#19 - Places for the turn of the ammo trolleys
#20 - Ammunition elevator
#21 - Staircase
#22 - Manual drive
#23 - Passage
#24 - Melted bricks
#25 - Casemates
#26 - Bedroom
#27 - Barracks
#28 - Wash-room
#29 - Casemates
#30 - The right (northern) flank of the fort 'Milutin'
#31 - The positions of small-caliber guns
#32 - Shelter for searchlight
#33 - Machine gun embrasure
#34 - Summertime at the fort
#35 - South Battery #3
#36 - Front door
#37 - Apparel
#38 - Emplacement
#39 - Emplacements of 1930-th
#40 - Fort's jungle
#41 - Tourist aus Deutschland
#42 - 6 inch Canet battery
#43 - Windows for shell delivering
#44 - Exit to the gun's emplacements
#45 - Fire post
#46 - Fire post's interiors
#47 - Fort Miljutin winter panorama
#48 - WW2 military monument
#49 - Kronstadt
#50 - Ruins
#51 - Winter sky
#52 - Winter still life
Southern Forts: Main Museum Fort #1 Fort #2 Fort Paul I Fort Miljutin FortKronshlot Fort Konstantin Menshikov battery Fort Shanz Fort Rif Lunette Dehn Foreland batteries Fort Peter I Where is it Plan Videos Links
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